Refilwe NDPG project

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Anja formed part of the team at HolmJordaan Architects and Urban Designers [2012-2013] who designed and project-managed the implementation of this small urban intervention. The project in Refilwe forms part of an urban network of upgrades supported by the Neighbourhood Development Partnerships Grant, National Treasury, in the Metsweding area, City of Tshwane.​

The project included the renewal of public space by formalising a previously neglected area. The existing row of small shops facades were upgraded and the open space u[graded with permeable paving and patterned surfacing with Maraba-raba and chess play boards. The small building accommodates basic amenities such as public ablutions, water, sheltered space and seating elements.​

The local community was involved in the construction of the project and has taken great pride in this small, colourful intervention.


House Jacobs